
Cambria Times

Friday, March 14, 2025

How many inmates were incarcerated in Cambria County during December 2022?

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In Cambria County 524 inmates were incarcerated in December 2022, a 0.4 percent increase over the month before, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

Cirilito Cheatham, a 18-year-old, was the youngest inmate incarcerated in Cambria County in December 2022.

Frank Lescinsky was the oldest at 84-years-old.

Incarceration rates in Pennsylvania have increased dramatically, imprisoning more than seven times the number of people in 2019 than in 1970.

Sentencing practices in Pennsylvania were found to have overwhelmingly impacted people of color.

Inmates in Cambria County in December 2022

Aaron Horton42
Aaron I. Mack31
Albert Spicer33
Albert L. Baldish59
Albert L. Baldish58
Alex Eddie Rivera47
Alexander L. Bush41
Alexander L. Bush41
Alexander William Forsythe55
Alexander William Forsythe55
Alexis Graham35
Alexis Graham34
Alvin Matthews34
Alvin Matthews33
Amy Keiper49
Amy Keiper48
Amy Renee Stanczyk37
Andre Brown48
Andre Pettus47
Andre Pettus46
Andree Toney37
Andree Toney37
Andrew Joseph Choros33
Angelo Santiago25
Anntasia Castapheny26
Anntasia Castapheny26
Anthony Borkowski33
Anthony Finney38
Anthony Lamont Sanders29
Anthony Ray Thompson57
Anthony Richard Vanburen30
Antonio Gerrard Brock26
Antonio L. Winkleman39
Antonio L. Winkleman38
Arthur Griffin39
Arthur M. Gaunt48
Ashley Emerick28
Ashley Hicks37
Ashley Snyder35
Ashley Snyder34
Ashley Swanson33
Barry Anthony Baker42
Barshay Reqwan Dunbar39
Benjamin Adam Hodgson32
Benjamin Adam Hodgson31
Bernard L. Brown45
Bernard L. Brown45
Bernie Allen Stein32
Billy Best58
Bobby Griffin54
Bradford J. Batzel44
Bradley C. Wallace30
Bradley C. Wallace30
Bradley Thomas Lloyd26
Bradley Thomas Lloyd26
Braheem Grant34
Brandi S. Tucker31
Brandon Harr35
Brandon Jamal Mays19
Brandon Ray Darcangelo30
Bret Michael Shaner26
Brett Mykel Sanderson33
Brian Jay Roles46
Brian John Conway50
Brianne Palmer27
Bruce A. Haskins62
Bryant Thomas41
Bryn Michael Kaelin35
Caleb Calhoun29
Calvin Joseph Howard22
Carlton F. Watler35
Chad Edward Erickson34
Chad Edward Erickson34
Chance Daniel Griffon34
Charles Miller70
Charles Dylan Kay47
Charles Lee Reynolds74
Charles Nash Gray37
Charles R. Travis53
Charlotte Dent57
Chase Edward Turner30
Chasity Ann Simanski32
Christopher Lauver51
Christopher Mennecke39
Christopher Allen Zunner34
Christopher Darnell Young59
Christopher George Rowe46
Christopher Todd Mummert31
Christopher William Latz45
Cirilito Cheatham19
Cirilito Cheatham18
Clarence White41
Clarence White41
Clay Michael Carroll47
Colin Russell Patterson42
Colin Russell Patterson41
Collie Mickens40
Corey Charles Martin30
Craig Alan Knepper55
Craig Alan Knepper54
Crystal Fitzgerald38
Curtis Maurice Harper45
Cyril Leroy McKenrick59
Cyril Leroy McKenrick58
Daekwon Joseph Coleman21
Daekwon Joseph Coleman21
Dalton Lee Waksmunski24
Damon Wheeler47
Daniel Culmer27
Daniel Kevin Murphy26
Daniel Marcus Riley43
Daniel William Manculich33
Dante Malloy Sitton37
Daricus Marcel Holliday36
Darren Edward Mitchell26
Darren Michael Dowey32
Darron Darrel Gibson29
Darryl Thomas31
Darwin M. Goodwin50
Daryl Balkim Williams40
David Clemons46
David Herdman62
David Peck35
David Joseph Capaldi33
David Leon Johnson41
David Michael King44
David Scott Oldham59
Dayon Dequan Richardson36
Deandre Lomante Callendar27
Deborah Susan Cummings71
Demetrius Darnel Gibson28
Dennis L. Ricks35
Derek Joseph Herdman45
Derik Lawrence Carothers25
Deshawn Matthew Lieb22
Deshawn Matthew Lieb21
Devine Stephen Edwards26
Devon Lamont Cashaw45
Devon Lamont Cashaw44
Devone Huddleston33
Dewayne Lamar Chatman47
Diane Wilcox35
Dominic Benjamin Berry28
Donald Gailey46
Donna Mae Ackerson47
Donnel Watts47
Dorothy R. Farbo72
Dorothy R. Farbo71
Doryta Farquhar28
Douglas Baker32
Douglas Tantlinger34
Duncan Nicolas Latz26
Duncan Nicolas Latz26
Dustin Matthew Kirsch32
Dwight Joseph Bumford31
Earl P. Mitchell27
Edward Keith Roudybush33
Edward Thomas Logan73
Elmer Bell Coles61
Elmer Thomas Westover60
Eric Lawrence Mickanis42
Eric Vincent Shaw32
Eric Vincent Shaw31
Erik Lybarger44
Eugene A. Harris45
Eugene E. Bailey48
Evan C. Santucci35
Evan Michael Patton26
Evan Paul Whited29
Fidel Lamar Cosby22
Frank Lescinsky84
Frank Lewis57
Frank D. Thomas60
Fred Tolliver Haselrig50
Fred Tolliver Haselrig49
Frederick Wachs52
Frederick E. Brooks41
Frederick O. Phillips63
Gary Blough52
Gary Calhoun55
Gary Calhoun55
Gary Paul Bassett41
Gavin Hopkins19
Gavin Hopkins19
George Alen Robinson30
George Henry Mitchell31
George Henry Mitchell31
Gerald Edgar Orris30
Gerald Philip Carr39
Giavon Romello Grandinetti26
Gregory Russell Conzo58
Gregory Z. Clem65
Hafiz Lowe33
Harry Andrew Stantz76
Harry Elijah Geisel39
Hayley Nichole Butler29
Hayley Nichole Butler29
Hayward Gaines34
Heidi Butara37
Howard Martin70
Irish M. McCall35
Isaiah Triplin24
Isaiah Marquis Gibbs28
Isobel M. Hager25
Isobel M. Hager24
Jaiel Edward Anthony20
Jalen Demere Gibson28
Jamal Anthony Myers31
Jamal Walter Nelson40
James Hall-Huger30
James Heidler39
James Ianni53
James Douglas Brages47
James I. McAfee57
James Lee Thompson51
James Louis Schroll46
James Oliver Newton66
James Richard McDonald54
Jaquan Watson25
Jason Getz38
Jason Aaron Ling33
Jason Allen Maines42
Javan Christian41
Javan Christian40
Jeffrey Branch30
Jeffrey Ivory35
Jeffrey Alvin Keith61
Jeffrey Lynn Dershem65
Jeffrey Scott Hoffman61
Jeffrey Scott Hoffman60
Jeffrey Scott Moore58
Jeramey T. Johnson30
Jeremy L. Blough45
Jeremy Travis Woodard41
Jesse Michael Hamryszak33
Jesse Ronald Maga37
Jesus Figueroa26
Jesus Maria Figueroa47
Jesus Maria Figueroa46
Jiavon A. Grandinetti22
Joel Riley McClellan22
John Conaghen58
John Kostyk63
John Nerone33
John Alexander Finnegan36
John David Rackovan41
John E. Hatch34
John E. Hoffman54
John E. Rigel35
John L. Crissman52
John Michael Safko34
John R. Shipley71
John Robert Snyder57
Johnathan Frede41
Johnathan Frede40
Johnnie W. Barto73
Johnnie W. Barto73
Jonathan Craddock29
Jonathan Kuzma38
Joseph Hogan44
Joseph Hogan43
Joseph Prave54
Joseph Anthony Schuller37
Joseph J. Todaro62
Joseph John Shuhayda50
Joseph William Quinn32
Joshua N. Cambric40
Julian Emanuel Williams28
Justin Harris40
Justin Harris40
Justin Serrano25
Justin Adam McKrush29
Justin Dwight Hershberger38
Justin Harry Kerr30
Justin Lamar Brandon30
Justin M. Hickox34
Justin M. Hickox33
Justin M. Lundberg37
Justin Michael Charles32
Justin Nathan Thomas35
Justin Raymond Way20
Justina Lingafelt48
Kamaal Rasheed Dutton35
Kamaal Rasheed Dutton35
Karim Montgomery Jones28
Karim Montgomery Jones28
Kato Perry25
Kawaun Tyrell Powell27
Kayla Younkers31
Keith Reed39
Keith Vernon Davis60
Kelsey A. Tunstall34
Kenneth David Lods49
Kenneth E. Gillam51
Kenneth Namir Jordan20
Kenneth Namir Jordan20
Kenneth O. Simmons26
Kenneth Robert Shank56
Kenneth Robert Shank55
Kevin Charles57
Kevin Green38
Kevin Green38
Kevin McGee53
Kevin Anthony Vivis35
Kevin Lamar Myers35
Kevin Lamar Myers35
Kevin T. Clark39
Kevin T. Clark38
Kevin Vincent Plummer55
Korey Cortez Sitton34
Krista Mader31
Kristopher Newman39
Kristopher Newman39
Krystian Costlow37
Lahtie Shakor Dickey27
Landrum M. Powell79
Laron Likey Joyner40
Larry Fason58
Larry Reed40
Larry Scott Knipple61
Larry Scott Knipple60
Larry Wayne Ardary74
Lawrence Brandon32
Lawrence Christy70
Lawrence Justin Morrison28
Lee Calvin Kearns32
Lee Calvin Kearns32
Lenoxx Raime Newcomer20
Leon Larry Pierce55
Leon Wayne Berry65
Leroy William Hemingway40
Lindsay Gruss39
Lonnie W. Minerd43
Lori Noon36
Lucas Antkiewicz19
Marcus Allen38
Marcus Paul Taczanowski41
Mark Hnatkovich69
Mark Hnatkovich68
Mark Shehee52
Mark L. Ivory46
Marko Laroy Gore39
Marko Laroy Gore38
Marquis Hakem Neal38
Martin Edward Hegedus58
Martin Edward Hegedus57
Marvin Herrington39
Marvin Smith66
Massai Shawn Dickey50
Matthew Allen Keller36
Matthew E. Williams39
Matthew Eugene Perehinec31
Matthew Lee Greene33
Matthew R. Winslow34
Matthew R. Winslow34
Matthew Ryan Wixom30
Matthew Scott Barkley24
Maurice A. Davis32
Meagan Leyo32
Meagan Leyo32
Michael Berchick48
Michael A. Hall33
Michael A. Hall33
Michael A. Harris43
Michael Brance McCray33
Michael Brance McCray32
Michael D. Flanders42
Michael D. Flanders42
Michael Joseph Miller52
Michael Keith Theys36
Michael Kenneth Grimm61
Michael Kenneth Grimm61
Michael Steven Delarre34
Miguel Angel Ortiz38
Mindy Olshavsky39
Mindy Olshavsky39
Mizzon Grandinetti20
Muhir Brogdon35
Natalia Martinez27
Nathan Paul Yates26
Nathan Timothy Fortson41
Nathan Timothy Reed37
Nichelle Nicole Seeley35
Nicholas Allan Myers40
Nicholas Allan Myers40
Nickolas William Nagle24
Nicole Elizabeth Lonergan34
Nijan Terrell Joiner32
Nijan Terrell Joiner32
Nissa A. Rashid31
Noah Joshua Maser-Ellis39
Norris Collins31
Patricia M. Bouch31
Patrick L. Burkett33
Patrick Leroy Rugg42
Patrick Leroy Rugg41
Paul Clifford Younkin39
Paul Michael Lehman39
Perry Tillman37
Quaaim Joyner34
Quinton R. Corprew41
Qurazz Overton35
Quysim John Childs29
Randall Simmons63
Raphael Oscar Cosby37
Rashee Lamar Taylor39
Raymond Foreman33
Raymond N. McAfee66
Raymond N. McAfee65
Raymone Caleb Ford28
Reginald D. Harris29
Ric W. Blough40
Richard A. Cook27
Richard A. Govier42
Richard A. Ziegler58
Richard Charles Lundberg37
Richard Charles Lundberg37
Rickie Jay Gaddis63
Ricky Crum27
Ricky Crum26
Robert Brookins48
Robert Brookins47
Robert Goodman21
Robert Goodman21
Robert Hudson38
Robert Hudson37
Robert Jackson37
Robert Kratzer53
Robert Allen Vasilinda54
Robert Allen Vasilinda54
Robert Anthony Castapheny32
Robert Charles Reagan41
Robert Joseph Davis41
Robert Joseph Davis40
Robin Roxanne Hamilton45
Rodney Lowmaster65
Rodney Lowmaster64
Ronald Nesmith27
Ronald Nesmith26
Ryan McAfee36
Ryan D. Baumgardner44
Ryan Logan Pursiful22
Ryan Logan Pursiful22
Samantha Jean James35
Samuel A. Jones46
Sanford Quinn Gunby58
Sanford Quinn Gunby57
Scott Gray54
Sean Darrell Castapheny25
Shad William Sarver39
Shahliek Maxwell Greene27
Shakir Mosi Smith43
Shane Michael Maurer29
Shaneon Steven Smith37
Shaneon Steven Smith36
Shannon Waugh33
Shannon Waugh32
Shannon Tyler Brink44
Shannon Tyler Brink44
Shaquille McCord27
Shaquille Rivera27
Sharif Gillard42
Shawn Dixon41
Shawn Dixon40
Shawn E. Popish48
Shawn Leon Williams47
Shawn Patrick Sweeney51
Shawquay K. Joyner23
Shawquay K. Joyner23
Sheldon Laron Gregory29
Sherman E. Denmark40
Sherrif Ingram50
Stanley C. Caito28
Stanley Leo Spriggs66
Stephen Rex Edmiston62
Stephen Wayne Waugh34
Steve Howard Grassmeyer36
Taevon Terrell Dixon32
Tammy L. Winkleman57
Terrance Ralph Mattes29
Terrell Branche19
Terrell Kenneth Dykes29
Terrell Kenneth Dykes29
Terri Kamler51
Terry Lee Foster42
Terry Lee Kougher47
Thelma Marie Stantz66
Thomas Davis35
Thomas Skupien35
Thomas Edward Grove33
Thomas Edward Grove32
Thomas O. Leventry37
Tiarra Noelle Jones26
Timothy John Miller35
Timothy Ryan Roush25
Timothy Samuel Hinkledire53
Tione Lamar Thomas44
Todd Andrew Voss43
Tommy Lee Orgis30
Tommy Lee Orgis30
Tracey Kralik49
Travis Okelly31
Travis Simanski34
Travis Simanski33
Travis James Burkett26
Tre'vonn Hancock23
Troy Klingensmith60
Troy Lloyd27
Tyler J. Johnston26
Tymber Lynn Feathers36
Tyrone Terr McDuffie26
Tyshawn Plowden33
Tyshea Thomas44
Vaun Edward Miller52
Vincent C. Myers42
Vuyani Gxuluwe22
Walter Lee Owens51
Westley A. Clevenger68
William H. Sinclair60
William Raymond Newingham72
Zachary Yost38
Zachary John Peruso35
Zachary Michael Conley27
Zaire Nelson25